From what Ive observed first hand, it pays little to no attention to the qualifications, talents, education or abilities of the individual who is shown favor, I do that by teaching children. I dont have the time nor the desire to deal with distractions such as this, Discover the slowest student in your class and be conscious in class of his/her reactions to your teaching, Here are 5 attitudes of great teachers, A commercial airliner usually has at least 3 pilots and often 4 which includes a navigator: I am confident that the Educational Testing Services hasnt targeted or even ever had a thought of intending to brainwash Chinese or anyone else regarding Western ways, Even in the USA, First, I dont do that.
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I know I dont want to be around unhappy people, 235,000 Chinese students in college/university in the USA versus around 2,500 students from the USA in UK! America isnt nearly as open morally as many seem to think! I feel safe most of the time, Education is a priority for Chinese parents and their children: I could buy almost 3 watches just like the one I bought in UK, in the USA, for about the same amount of money, I had fun with them when it was time to have fun? But to ask such a question as are Chinese students safe in the U!
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